11 August 2020

#RPGADAY2020 - 11 - Stack

Day 11 - Stack?


The biggest stack of roleplaying books I have is that for Traveller

But that's too easy.

The most embarrassing stack of roleplaying books I have is the 'to read' pile. When I was younger I had plenty of time to read game books, but I didn't have the funds to purchase them. Now I can afford them, and buy too many as there's always a pile waiting. That can be comforting as it gives me something to dip into. However, you know it's too big when publishers release the second edition of a book you've yet to read.

I also have a large stack of games that I'm trying to sell, probably to increase other people's stacks. This time it's to create space and - increasingly - because I am starting to consider whether I will actually run or play the games. 

Sometimes there's an attachment there that stops things going into this pile; I still have my second edition Call of Cthulhu box because it was what brought me into gaming along with Holmes Basic. There's a nostalgia with the artefacts. Glorantha is one area that is slowly edging closer to the sale pile, but every time I look at the Pavis material, I waver.

11 August 2020.

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