20 May 2017

The One Ring - Season 3 - On the flattery of spiders... (or avoiding a TPK)

Spiders. Best kept in the Bath?

Had an interesting time in Paul Mitchener's One Ring campaign of the Darkening of Mirkwood on Monday night. For some reason we decided to try and bribe Tauler the Hunter to reign in the excesses of Tyulqin the Weaver using jewellery, flattery and so very deliberate suggestions of a play for power in the Parliament of Spiders. It came down to the final roll to influence and - somehow - we made it and a Dwarf, a Wood Elf and a Woodswoman made it out alive.

Next Session 
Tylquil and Tauler, grandchildren (?) of Ungoliant are slain, having been persuaded to fight each other, with the party starting on Tylquil, recovering somewhat as Tauler engaged and then finishing off Tylquil once he was dead.

And then our celebration meal at the Beacon Fort on the old Forest Road was rudely interrupted by the Werewolf of Mirkwood. Which we killed, for the second time in two days...

We nearly lost half the fellowship in the battle with the spiders. In comparison, the Werewolf ran away like a scared puppy so we had to hunt it down.

So enjoying this game.

20 May 2017

The One Ring image - By Xander - own work, (not derivative from the movies), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1953341