01 March 2025

First Impressions - The Jägermeister Adventure (Cepheus / Traveller)

A black book lies on a grey desk over a black keyboard. In the middle is the image of a purple and yellow coloured spacecraft in a blue sky, flying left to right and trailing fire. The image is in a band in the middle of the cover, and either side of it are the words "The Jägermeister Adventure". To the bottom left are the author's name's but only 'Tom Price' is legible.
A printed out copy of 'The Jägermeister Adventure'.

The Jägermeister Adventure is a 127-page mini-campaign for Traveller/Cepheus by Moon Toad Publishing, which should give around six sessions of play. It is available as a PDF only at the moment - I printed a hardcopy for use at the table shown in the image above because I plan to run this with my gaming group next.

The Jägermeister Adventure has the characters as a bounty hunting team who end up in pursuit of fugitive who may ultimately threaten the well-being of tens of thousands of people. However, when they start the chase, all they know is that the individual, Eric Voss, was on the defeated side of a war that ended with a strategic exchange of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, a war which rendered the planet Valkos a Red Zoned radioactive hell-hole, and that he is wanted for theft of documents from the Grand Imperial Library of Kahn. Lethal force has been authorised and he is believed to be armed and dangerous. 

The book is set in the Minerva Cluster, somewhere on the fringes of the Imperium. Key maps and background are provided for the star systems, planets and locations likely to be visited during the campaign. These are all produced to an excellent standard. There are deckplans, illustrations and statistics for four different starships including the Jäger-Class Bounty Hunter vessel that the players will be using as they take their roles as shareholders of Assured Couriers GmbH, a courier and package retrieval (aka bounty hunting) service.

The various worlds that the campaign visits are all very distinct and a degree of wits will be needed to succeed in the hunt for Voss, if only because they have limited legal authority. The campaign is not shy about presenting hard moral decisions or showing the realities of the aftermath of total war. Although Voss' motivations are understandable, it doesn't make them palatable and the consequences of failure are high stake.

The book repeats some elements of Moon Toad's Bounty Hunter Handbook. I'll be reading that and the Mongoose Publishing Bounty Hunter book over the next month as I prepare to run the campaign. There are references to a couple of other ships that Moon Toad have released as supplements, but they aren't key to the plot so you don't need to own them (but may well want to).

Written and illustrated by Ian Stead, Tom Price and Neil Grant, this is the kind of Traveller adventure I like, grounded and gritty, but with spaceships and the future.

Overall this seems excellent and I look forward to trying it out at the table.

1 March 2025

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