09 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - 9 - An accessory you'd like to see?

The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. An accessory you'd like to see?

A. An A1-sized rollable, dry-wipeable digital screen that's robust and liquid proof.

This is probably a pipe-dream but it would be a fantastic play surface for face-to-face games. It'd allow you to share maps, images, handouts. Imagine if it was interfaced to people's phones or tablets so they could bring things up on the surface to reference or share. I went A1 as I've found that a great size for convention games. The dry-wipe could be something like an EMR pen-stylus or Apple Pencil.

The truth is that the accessories I most use are dice-related. Dice rolls, dice trays and sometimes a dice-tower. I like screens as quick references but often have them flat (unless there's something to hide like a map). I'm comfortable with those, so would like something game changing.

9 August 2024


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