10 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - 10 - RPG you'd like to see on TV

The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. RPG you'd like to see on TV?

A. Blue Planet.

Much as my heart yearns for a decent Traveller-based TV series, I think that it would be difficult for it to really succeed and not just be seen as a Star Wars knock-off (even though they were both born around the same time). 

Blue Planet may work, with the right set up (for example the Red Sky Charters campaign in the new book) and it would look really good (beaches, islands, boats) with occasional moves into the super-high technology of spacecraft, the corporate operations and even cut-backs to Earth if you did the story right.

City of Mist would also work really well, mythic heroes solving crime, supernatural or normal. In fact, you could argue that the Marvel Defenders (aka Netflix Marvel already did this).

The Dracula Dossier (Night's Black Agents) would also work really well, almost an updated Ultraviolet TV series. A cross between le Carré for discovery and betrayal and Bourne for action.

10 August 2024

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