07 August 2024

#RPGaDay - PSA - getting ahead of myself

The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. What happens when you are reading the prompts from the RPGaDay graphic thumbnail?

A. You manage to skip a line and go a day ahead after 'great writing'.

This is now being corrected and tomorrow's post will be 'RPG that's easy to use' which should have been the sixth prompt. I've edited titles on the blog but the permalinks remain the same for continuity.


Hat tip to Tim Gray of Silver Branch Games who pointed this out to me.

7 August 2024

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