03 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - 3 - Most often played RPG


The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. Most Often Played?
A. Achtung Cthulhu 2d20

I could have answered this for yesterday, but I figured it'd give the same answer two days running. So, leaning into the fact that GMs are players too, the game I've played and run most this year is Achtung! Cthulhu with the Shadows of Atlantis campaign. We've had 12 sessions this year, and travelled from Vienna to Rome to Cairo and now to Ishafan in Persia.

I'm enjoying the campaign despite the poorly structured book (it is very badly written for quick reference and has elements missing that were in the first edition like maps that should have been included). 2d20 ticks along; the system works well, but I like it rather than love it. I do find it goes slow when we hit anything mechanics heavy like combat, which means that the game doesn't have quite the pace I'd like. Part of that is the VTT support; the fan-made character sheets on Roll 20 are fine but slow. However we had to bail from Role at the end of last year when they dropped support for AV. Even though that's now available again, I'm too invested with the material uploaded to Roll20 to change now.

Great bunch of players too, with some churn this year with one and one out. 

3 August 2024

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