01 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - 1 - First RPG bought this year


The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. First RPG bought this year?
A. Numenéra Discovery & Numénera Destiny, both arrived on 4th January.

The two Numenéra core books side by side. The left most image is Numenéra Discovery, with Numenéra Destiny to the right. Titles are at the top of each page with a swirl of science-fantasy characters and places and artefacts below.
The two Numenéra core books

I picked these up after I enjoyed reading the Old Gods of Appalachia roleplaying game which I reviewed here previously. I've only skimmed them so far, but I think I may dive deeper over the summer. I picked them up because I want to run Ultraviolet Grasslands and I think that these may be a great fit if I don't use the engine that came with the second edition of the UVG setting.

1 August 2024

PS If you notice I bought these before I finished Old Gods, that's correct. I liked what I saw and a post on the Alexandrian made me decide to go for it.

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