04 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - 4 - RPG with Great Art

The RPGaDay2024 graphic. Three columns of prompts for discussions about RPGs. You can find a full text list atP https://www.autocratik.com/2024/07/announcing-rpgaday2024-for-august.html
This year's RPGaDay (full text list here)

Q. RPG with Great Art?

A. King Arthur Pendragon 1st Edition 

The first roleplaying game that stood out for me for its artwork was Pendragon 1st Edition with the glorious black and white images by Lisa A Free and evocative cover by Jody Lee. However, art needs to be shown in the right setting which is why the layout is just as important. I think that was Yurek Chodak. White space is important.

I'm not a huge fan of art over content and layout which means that some of the more art punk games really frustrate me, especially when they haven't put the effort into the rules and game mechanics around them. I do love the way that the *BORG series of games also tend to have the core rules in plain text as well.

I think I'll stick with the first game that caught my eye like this. I'm sad to say that none of the subsequent editions of the game have caught my eye in the same way.

A single B&W page from the first edition of the book which is dominated by an image of Sir Mordred gazing through a gemstone on the hilt of his sword which is held in a gloved hand. Mordred sports a sharp beard and a black tunic and the whole image has a decorative border of a snake. Text is two column with plenty of whitespace. Unusually, the second column fills 2/3rds of the page width.
Example page from Pendragon

4 August 2024

Addendum:  If I was going for something more modern it would probably be anything by Luka Rejec. Ultraviolet Grasslands, especially. His artwork really calls out to me and the layout makes it sing. Jason Behnke’s work for Liminal and Age of Arthur also stands out.

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