26 April 2022

Curse of Strahd - S4 Interlude 5 - Before they face the darkness


Picture the scene. A roaring fire, warmth against the dark, cold and frosts of an earlier December night. Around it all four of our heroes, but not their Barovian allies. The mood is downbeat, a certain weariness and perhaps fear. But perhaps there's also an undertone of excitement, or at least energy. Having returned from Argynvostholt, the discussion is all about where to go next.

Three options are being seriously considered; to Old Berez to face Baba Lysaga and perhaps liberate the swamp fane and retrieve a dragon's skull. Or to head south to the mountains and the dark temple that lies there, perhaps finding knowledge of how to defeat Strahd and of Roscoe Tosscobble's fate. 

But in their hearts, they know that they probably should take up the Count's invitation to dinner at Castle Ravenloft, looming dizzily high above Barovia. A place with a reputation of death and darkness. A place that people don't tend to come back from. Allegedly. To face the dark lord and vampire of this realm in his lair. Safe conduct has been promised, but do they trust him to keep his word?

Ser Alys opened, trying to make light of past mistakes, joking that an unplanned frontal assault would be the best way forward, before suggesting that the most important thing is to understand the tithe that Vallaki needs to pay in just over a fortnight. They need to understand whether it is possible to to avoid the tithe in a contractual fashion, or not. Perhaps they'd discover that it's all fine and there is a generation of well fed servants at the castle who can tell how the tithe was a blessing in their lives, but somehow, she didn't really believe that.

Kelwarin interjected with the assumption that their goal was to violently agree with him, not promise anything, and look to find as many weaknesses that we can exploit for later.

Alys was musing; she is actually quite ambiguous about Strahd. If he is lawful and consistent she could justify him. However he seems to be capricious and work for his own interests in an inconsistent fashion. She definitely is lawful before everything else and she's interested to listen and see if he actually views himself as a steward of the 'Rovia or that it is simply his playground.

Kelwarin stated that he'd be surprised to see if Strahd can convince him that his rule, for such it is, is the best for Barovia. He has already seen too much that persuades him otherwise. Mostly he will be looking for any weaknesses and happy to dissemble during the short stay at the castle. That said, he stressed it was very important that what they need to be joined up on what their goals are and how we see our future - at least for the purposes of this invitation.

Ser Alys agreed, telling the elf, "I think you are right, K, this is a smile nicely, prevaricate, try and find out any obvious weaknesses: don't split up and get involved with any spawn brides...".

Ser Adon broke his silence, stating that the key is polite cool courtesy. Adon can do that. Looking for weaknesses, yes, and also trying to make a firm argument against the tithe (unless it is as Alys hopes), the argument being it has already effectively been taken by the spawn. Anything around the castle we can see to look at later is useful. Not going off to explore, but marking particular locations. Strahd’s obsession with Ireena is an issue, but we should not even mention her name, and prevaricate if it comes up. 

Outside the meeting's discussion, Adon wonders at a reply to the letter to the Abbot.

Kel responded that his expectations may even be less than Adon's. Unless Strahd is wanting to engage in a debate, is it really for the party to comment on the way he chooses to govern his lands? On one level, Kel doesn't really care, because he isn't going to be the ruler for that much longer, or we will fail and he is. It is useful to know about the tithe and the expectations of the realm for when Adon and Alys take over s beneficient rulers.

Ser Alys reiterated that they should not take Ireena or Alexei. There were too many problems there with the Devil's predilections and prejudices. Her husband strongly agreed.

Gaddock listened on. From his perspective, the party are just teetering on the edge between being too fun to kill, and too annoying to be left to live. Gaddock still thinks it's a dumb idea to visit the Castle with his rational brain, but being the little thrillseeker that he is, he's actually quietly excited to go to Strahd's castle. He's interested to see whether he's there alone, or he has help, as Gaddock knows that eventually they'll have to barge through the castle gates uninvited, so it helps to know what kinda extra firepower Strahd's got to play around. Gaddock's plan was to make polite conversation, to try and let Strahd explain himself in a villainous monologue, and perhaps let slip something of value, some kind of weakness or thread that can be exploited.

The debate continued; the only certainty being that a black carriage would arrive tomorrow to collect them and take them to the Castle for dinner with a powerful vampire dark lord.

26 April 2022

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