23 August 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - 23 - Memory


Memory. It’s amazing how fuzzy the details of the games I’ve played are, but there are some strong memories that endure. The one-and-only time my dad joined in and resolved the classic haunting scenario for Call of Cthulhu by dynamiting it. Playing Ravenloft into the early hours in an empty house when my  parents were away and the whole group of us not wanting to leave the gaming room on our own to visit the facilities as the atmosphere had landed. Shear terror in a game when the werewolf came through the wall. The weekend long hunt for Dracula at Longcon. The epic extended Darkening of Mirkwood game where we grew into movers and shakers. Every Esoterrorists campaign (we’ve played them all). The sprawling Traveller game which was mean to be Twilight’s Peak but morphed into a game of restaurants and trade deals while the threat of war brewed. The joy of running the Madcap Laughs for Stormbringer with Wordplay across three slots and with Graham co-GMing.

The more I think if, the more that pop out from memory. It’s been a great gaming life so far.

23 August 2021 (belatedly)

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