24 January 2022

Curse of Strahd - S4 Interlude 3 - On the road from Krezk


Starting soon after first light, they headed down the road, following the route south from the hill where Krezk sat, then east towards the promised shelter of Vallaki. The woods were unnaturally quiet, most of the time, the peace was only broken by furtive rustles in the undergrowth, like something was following them. Ser Alys and Ser Adon, the half-orc warriors had promised them safety at the end of the road and given them a note of introduction for the Blue Water Inn. They'd almost seemed regretful that they'd led the three of them out from the stygian depths of the library where they had been lost, lacking supplies. 

The cloud was low, with almost no heat in the air. Damp, cold, but fresh. Sound carried; was that a crack of twigs breaking in the forest, or was it just dead leaves or water dripping from the trees. They hurried. Somewhere overhead there was the sound of something large and winged, a warning caw from a crow or a raven. There was a gust of air as if something was close by. And then, to the south, a mournful howl from a wolf, soon answered by others on both sides of the road. They gathered pace, almost running, nervous, hands clutching weapons ready to fight. Out of the mist, the Old Svalich Road twisted round a corner. They were definitely being followed.

Another gust, then soft leaves falling from the sky. A howl. One of them stumbled and as they caught their balance, they realised that it wasn't a leaf, after all, it was a piece of paper. Grabbed up, they started into a trot, and it was only as they crossed the bridge in the road before Vallaki that they took the time to look at the paper and read what was on it. Breath ragged, chests heaving, sanctuary in sight, looming from the mists. And then another howl, close behind. They ran, full tilt. Paper dropped to the floor, discarded in panic. Trampled on moments later by something pursuing, the paper flipped over, revealing the writing upon it.

Come to the Carnival!
Come and have fun!
A proper family celebration, not a forced one!
See the shows!
Visit the market!
Come to the CARNIVAL! 
Back for the first time in years.

In the distance, the haunting noise of a Calliope lifted above the silent woods and the sound of running, snarls and howls.

GM Note - a bit of an unplanned hiatus, but hopefully we're back now

24 January 2022

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