19 February 2022

A 'Back to School' week

45001 training
Exam practice

It's been a back-to-school week for me, as I spent five days split by a weekend on an ISO45001 Leader Auditor course (run very ably over Zoom by Bywater). This was topping up on skills I'd learnt probably a decade or more ago when I did the same thing face to face for OHSAS 18001. 

They were long days, with a couple of hours of exams and reading each evening. Assessment was through coursework and an exam at the end.

45001 training
Mind mapping

Prep for the exam had me trying to condense the course into a couple of mind maps. They amused the eldest when he saw them. "I can relate to those", was his wry comment. I drew them up on the reMarkable which works well. Despite being a greyscale screen, you can add colour on highlighters and lines that show when it prints out.
45001 training
My study partner

At times it felt like there were two of us studying, as one of the cats - Rebel - took quite an interest, was vocal and kept on trying to get my attention. You can see her on top off the course notes in the picture, which she too some persuading to relinquish. She also started meowing like mad, to the point that the course tutor asked if anyone had a cat there. She's not normally very vocal.

Exam was online, screens shared, recorded. Overall pretty good with decent software that bookmarked anything that you may want to go back to. Two hours went by in a flash and I wasn't facing the battle with handwriting legibility that scrawling for an exam gives me.

Overall, a good experience to get parts of my brain working that haven't for a bit, but quite tiring! I await the results!

19 February 2022

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