01 March 2025

Games in February 2025


A doughnut graph showing the games I've played this year, half of which I discuss in the text, with the rest covered in a linked post about Revelation 9.
RPGs so far this year

I didn't post anything on the roleplaying games I'd played in January as there were none, but things took off in February. I had 10 game sessions in total, five from regulars and five from Revelation which I have covered in another post earlier.

A Roll20 desktop covered in a collage of maps and images of things seen in the campaign. At the bottom left, all five people playing smile at the screen. On the right is the chat window with lots of dice rolls. The middle top of the screen has six clocks for tracking the meta currencies of threat, momentum and fortune. Two blue d20s lie on the VTT, showing 16 & 18.
The final picture from Shadows of Atlantis as we wrapped up.

The regulars were two sessions of Trail of Cthulhu's Eternal Lies and then three sessions of Shadows of Atlantis for Achtung! Cthulhu. Those were the last sessions of the Atlantis campaign, which came to an end after 28 sessions having started back at the end of 2023. Overall, I enjoyed the campaign but I've no hunger to run any more of the setting and system, so I've started to sell it off (just the core rules left now). I'm working out what to run next; Traveller is leading the list.

Screenshot of "Eternal Lies" game with three windows open on a Mac. To the left is pCalc’s Dice with a yellow D6 showing a 5. In the middle is a zoom window with Rädler-Jones us arranged in a column format. To the right is part of a Safari window showing Google Docs and the character sheet for Lotte Rädler-Jones.
Eternal Lies in full flow.

Eternal Lies continues to delight, and it is the most intense roleplaying that I have done, and something I look forward to. I feel disappointed when we have to postpone sessions. We're 52 sessions into this campaign, which has slow burned as we started it in 2021!

I'm drawing on face-to-face versus online this year. The online is either Roll20 or Zoom at the moment.

A good gaming month.

1 March 2025

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