20 March 2022

Curse of Strahd - S4 Interlude 4 - The morning after...

The weak yellow light of the sun lit the mists of cold winter as day broke on the morning of 5th December(*). There was a smell of burnt out fires, and a hint of death in the air. 

Outside the north gate, the Carnival had gone, with only the burnt rings from the fires and the muddied earth to ever suggest it was there at all. That, and a broken, blasted and abandoned wagon at the edge of the circle. There was a faint smell of sweets and fresh bakery, and a ring of mushrooms where the Litwick Market had been.

The remains of the guard reported the toll; six of their fellows were dead, and another fifteen of the townsfolk were killed, drained dry or horribly drawn up to roof height and reduced to a sack of skin and bone, taken by the Strigoi. Perhaps more would be found as the mists lifted, because knocking house-to-house suggested another five or six people, including two children, were missing. Were they dead, merely unfound or had they gone with the Carnival?

A sign was found, nailed into the notices by the stocks; 

Burghers of Vallaki

The rightful lord of this domain, Count Strahd von Zarovich, assures his subjects that the miscreants responsible for the carnage tonight will be dealt with harshly. That said, provision of adequate security and good order is a responsibility of the Burgomaster of each settlement; as this is now devolved to the self-appointed and somewhat unusual council naming itself the 'Ring of Vallaki', that body should address this forthwith. 

Said body is also reminded that it has a duty to report unexpected strangers such as the Carnival and the feral travellers that caused such trouble to the authorities at Castle Ravenloft, so appropriate action can be taken promptly and efficiently. 

Finally, the Ring is reminded that the next tithe will be due at the Winter Solstice. Do not fail in your duties.

On behalf of Count Strahd,

Rahadin, Chamberlain and Hand of Strahd.

Bodies of the dead were cut down and taken to the Church of St Andral so that a service could be held, and precautions could be taken to prevent them rising again.

The joy and excitement that followed the death of Baron Vargas and the excitement of the Carnival is very much absent.

(*) Sword Coast Reckoning

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