07 November 2021

Role VTT - Template Editor updates

New interface showing dropdown options

The Role VTT recently rolled out an update to the template sheet editor. This is the online tool that lets you visually create character sheets. It's simple but very powerful, and the latest update brings drag and drop for elements and a number of new modules that people have been asking for, such as the ability to create a clock as a timer (as commonly used in Powered by the Apocalypse games).

If you have existing characters built with sheets that are updated, you will get an alert next to them that there is a sheet update. There's no need to update them, but if you do, any elements that have been removed will be carried in a separate sheet so you can roll them back in. For example, the initial spell book sheet I built for Warlock! had ten fixed entries as the previous version of the template builder wouldn't let you build duplicatable groups with mixed content. The updated sheet that I built does this, but you'll have to manually cut and paste the details back in from the rollover sheet.

Four pane view in the template editor.

The template builder effectively has four panes; the left-most is the title and section link heading. This is a bit more intuitive in how it displays. The section headings are also now case sensitive even though they show as upper case in the main part of the sheet. The next pane is a live preview of the sheet so you can see what it will look like. The third panel shows the elements in their relative positions. The sheets can display two columns, and most elements work in either mode. You build a sheet by dragging and dropping elements into it. If you want to be able to duplicate groups in a live sheet, you place a group element and then enable duplication by clicking the cog that shows in the top right of the element and selecting the duplication option in the final rightmost pane.

The general elements.

Elements are split into two types - general and gameplay. General elements are more about words and formatting. The dropdown list is a useful addition to this. Gameplay elements support the dice roller and other mechanics.

Gameplay elements.

Here's a brief run-through of the game elements supported:
  • A Buff is a number that can be clicked for a dice modifier.
  • Field & Buff gives the ability to add a name or description to the related Buff.
  • Clocks allow you segmented counted, as used in the PbtA games. You can click in play to shade them in. There's also the scope to change segment numbers.
  • Points gives a points tracker. This can have a set maximum. Used for hit-points, stamina etc.
  • Pool allows you to set a clickable dice set to add to the roller. This can be preset or editable. I usually build these into character sheets to speed play.
  • Reference gives you a target number. This may be something you want to roll over or under, for example an attribute or a Skill%.
  • Slots give you a visual set of point trackers. These are individual elements you can click on rather than a number bar. I use this for XP in some games, consumables (for example arrows) and more.
All the elements can be dragged into the editor and moved around within the restrictions that two columns give. 

This is a really easy and powerful tool to use; combined with the excellent AV that Role has, it makes it my preferred VTT.

7 November 2021

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