07 January 2007

Day 3 - Out of the Holding Pattern?

On reflection, today has been pretty good. The extra sleep did me some good, and I went into the hospital (via Starbucks just down the road to pick Jill and I decent teas and coffees) more refreshed than I had for a number of days. Nothing much happened until lunchtime when the specialist checked Jill out. At that point, they decided to give Jill another gel hormone dose. After this, we spent some time having a good natter, playing cards and talking to people on the phone!

A pregnant woman on a phone in a hospital ward.

About two hours after the dose, Jill started to get contractions, initially around 5 mins apart, but gradually getting stronger until they were around 3 minutes apart by the time that I was sent home. A check up some six hours later indicated that the hormone has been doing what it should, so there would be no intervention (except perhaps to encourage Jill's waters to break) today. Jill started to use the TENS machine, which is a wonderful thing (and can be seen in the the photo above on the wristband) for pain relief late afternoon.

We had one final surprise at six, when Jill's sister Paula and her fiance Mark arrived from on the Wirral to see her. They spent two hours with us, and I think that it really helped Jill take her mind off things, certainly in a much better way than games or the TV do. Around ten o'clock, Jill was told to get some sleep, and I was sent home to bed. I'm not sure if I should expect a call tonight or not! We certainly seem to be out of the holding pattern of the last few days.

I guess I've some other things on my mind - my mum is in for an operation tomorrow with a light general anesthetic to allow an injection to be carried out to try and sort out some of her joints. I hope that it will work well and that she recovers soon to see her grandchild! My internet rpg and IT geek chum Tom Zunder (aka The Guv'nor on The Tavern) is also in for an operation with keyhole surgery tomorrow, so I wish him well too!

Currently feeling: Ready for bed
Currently listening to: Faithless "To all new arrivals".
Currently reading: Nothing properly today

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