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A weekend of Powered by the Apocalypse games |
The ninth Revelation was revealed this past weekend at the Garrison Hotel. Here's my reflections.
We nearly didn't have this convention this year, as numbers were short for a long period of time. Part of the fault for this lies with the committee (hangs head in shame) as we didn't get this out there as previous years and probably didn't promote as well as we could have due to a variety of real life issues. There's a big thanks owed to several people in the community who really wanted this to happen (Neil, Guy especially) and promoted the convention. I also tried a variety of online groups to promote this who I hadn't talked to before (eg Magpie's Discord) to try and get some interest. We had around 20% new blood so it seemed to work.
For a while, it looked like were were going to struggle for games and I ended up offering three; City of Mist (my perennial game at this convention), :Otherscape (City of Mist's new Cyberpunk sibling) and Comrades.
The run up was more gentle than I thought; for once I managed to read and re-read all the scenarios by the weekend before and I took Friday off to prepare everything including the con badges, signs and QR codes for the timetables. Naturally my printer decided the cyan toner was running out, but a good shake made it last out.
I drove up on the morning of the convention met Graham and Elaine (my fellow organisers) in the main function room. We were a little startled as the room was nearly perfectly set up for us by the Garrison staff based on Graham's earlier guidance. Usually, we need to fix things up a little. The only thing we ended up doing like that was taping greaseproof baking paper to some of the windows to diffuse the sun which was shining straight in. For some reason, the curtains in the rooms were removed in the last refurbishment.
Original: https://youtu.be/lSTIUWbHqvY
Graham kicked us off with his usual speech, which has been honed to near-perfection over the last 35 conventions. With so many new attendees, we try to make sure that we don't make assumptions at the start!
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Metro: Otherscape |
The first slot saw me running Metro:Otherscape, the base setting from the Son of Oak team's new Cyberpunk game where myth and technology are mixed. The game saw me playing with a group of folks who I've gamed with many time before. I really enjoyed this, as Otherscape is a honed version of the City of Mist engine. The big change is that it replaces moves with effects. You look for the outcome that most closely matches what the characters are trying to achieve. The scenario was the introductory one from the book, which I worried may have been a bit short, but as it was the shortest slot of the con (at 3 hours) it worked out pretty well. We overran a little bit the players successfully extracted their target, without the need to apply duress.
Lunch was Morrison's finest. My bring-and-buy materials were selling nicely.
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Mind that tentacle, Mr Gumshoe! |
Slot 2 saw me playing Penda's Monster of the Week game. This was a system and game I'd bounced off and I wanted to have another look at it. It was a fun game of weird body horror where we somehow managed to prevail. I suspect that things were made easier by Elaine picking a ghost as her character, which made her near invulnerable to the big bad. Enjoyable fun.
Dinner was KFC and the latest instalment of the Garricon Book Club. Keary & myself (long standing members) were joined by Jenny and Tony and we had fried chicken and talked media (books, films, TV) and games.
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Revolutionary Comrades. |
Comrades was written as a reaction to the first Trump presidency and the general feeble nature of the left vs the right of politics. In some ways, I was pleased I didn't choose the modern day New York setting; instead, the characters were a revolutionary cell / party in Krescht, a fictional state near Poland and Russia in 1915. This was as close as to what I'd see as pure Powered by the Apocalypse as I went this convention, with full on co-creation of the party and the locations. I had a few beats but never needed to use them as the players embraced the setting. That said, it was very weird to spend a hour doing preparation, only for Elaine's 'Professional' to blow themselves up while making a bomb and she needed to get a new playbook!
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Elaine checks the rules after Sasha's demise! |
She had a move to prepare a bomb, and the failure aspect meant it could blow up, and that would mean certain death. Naturally, she failed. As GM, I told her that Sasha, her character, could run away or try to stop the fuse. Running away would succeed but the consequence would be huge explosion wrecking the safe house and their fellow travellers. Stopping the fuse would save the day, but any failure meant sudden death and similar consequences for their allies. There was a moment of confusion and Keary said 'roll the dice'. Elaine did, rolling a miss, and Sasha was spread across the city. Fortunately, Elaine took it with good grace.
The party plotted and schemed with plan to blow up a prison and free the political prisoners. However, they also found out that the local fascist party were holding a demonstration outside the prison to have the leftists hung. Two of the group decided that the leader of the fascists needed to be disposed of, so they planted the bomb in a different place to planned. The bomb went off, the fascists went on a rampage through the city, their leader escaping death, and the prisoners escaped. Udo's priest, the party leader, welcomed the people he rescued hoping to recruit them, but on returning to the city found out that his love had been killed when the soup kitchen she ran was stormed by the rioters.
Overall, a great game, but probably best as a campaign.
I ended up with an unintentionally late night as I foolishly finished the novel I was reading.
Sunday brought the fantastic Garrison breakfast and some good chat, then I went back to the room and had a little bit of preparation time.
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Hutt Cartel |
My first game (slot 4) was Hutt Cartel, which Will kindly ran. I'd first met Will last year when I ran the Berlin Hack for Cartel, and he'd offered a return favour. It was great fun. I chose the Crime Boss as my character and it ended predictably badly for me as the Imperials, Pikes and Black Sun tried to take over my territory on Coruscant. Fantastic game of backstabbing nastiness.
Lunch was Morrisons; I'd toyed with the Garrison for a roast dinner, but the service the day before had been slower than usual and I was planning to run. The raffle went well, but Cillian may be stopped from drawing the tickets as he managed to select pretty much anyone except his parents!
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City of Mist - all the Bling |
The last slot brought City of Mist and a scenario from Local Legends (The Unwanted Guest, but I renamed this The Uninvited Guest as I'm a Marillion fan). City of Mist was like comfortable shoes and Overscape had served as a good warm-up. The crew investigated and the scenario ended in a confrontation at a funeral in a church; fortunately the player's prevailed. I did have some sub-plots which never really got into action, but overall people seemed to have a great time and I was asked to give some of my friends who I see far too little of a heads up if I ever run this online.
City of Mist has some fantastic supporting material and the feel is very much Netflix Marvel in power, Noir powered people. I enjoyed running and the players seemed to enjoy playing. Several had done previous sessions with me and this is one of my most run systems.
And then I tidied up (Elaine and Graham had to go earlier) and it was all over, another great convention. I was surprised I didn't play any Forged in the Dark, but I guess that sometimes that's how it happens.
Revelation will return.
25 February 2025