Returning from Argynvostholt, our heroes decided that it was time to take the Count up on his offer of dinner at Castle Ravenloft. Wisely, they decided that it was a better idea to leave their sidekicks behind.
Our dramatis personae:
Ser Adon de Rouge of House Starbright (a half-orc Paladin, from a knightly background, with two human retainers and a priest), played by Paul (dr_mitch). Lawful Good. Married to Ser Alys.
Kelwarin (Kel) (a half-elf Sorceror flush with the powers of wild magic, an outlander), played by Graham (First Age). Chaotic Good.
Gaddock Teeg (a halfling wizard and former prizefighter), played by Alex (Doggetay), Neutral Good
Ser Alys de Adon-Rouge of House Starbright (a half-orc Fighter with a soldier background, currently the leader of the town militia of Daggerford), played by Tom (Guvnor). Lawful Neutral. Imagine a slightly greener take on Grace Jones... Married to Ser Adon.
also featuring:
Ireena Kolyana (a human warrior, daughter of the Burgomaster of Barovia, Twice-Bitten reincarnation of Strahd's unrequited love, Tatyana) - upgraded as a sidekick.
with :
Alexei the Vistana (a young human expert, sent to pay off his debt to the party by his Vistani elders after they rescued Arabelle from certain death when Alexei lost her in town. A late teenager who is so taken by Ireena and the excitement of the adventure that he's forgotten he planned to be sulky and surly for his 13 moon exile) - upgraded as a sidekick.
All characters have just levelled up to 7th level, including the sidekicks.
Finally, the Castle itself. |
7th December, 14 days to the Solstice.
The day passed quietly, as the party prepared to visit Castle Ravenloft, getting appropriate clothing, make-up and more together. Ser Alys got sound advice from Jeny Greenteeth not to wander off with one of the Brides, not to look Strahd in the eye and to always count your fingers after if you shook hands with him.
The evening arrived, and Kel, Ser Alys and Ser Adon found themselves waiting outside the black carriage that had arrived, pulled by black horses but without a driver. The doors opened to let them in. Gaddock was nowhere to be seen, as he was searching for his journal that he'd misplaced when he was tidying up. He arrived in a rush as the others settled into their seats. Kel was certain that this was the carriage that he'd blasted with a firebolt a few months earlier.
There were parchment wrapped packaged addressed to each of them, a gift from the Count. Inside were tailored velvet lined black cloaks with silver trim and raven motifs. There were three extra packages, one for Ireena, another for Alexei and a final one for a mysterious 'A'. Gaddock speculated that this would be Anastrasya, and was swiftly proved right when the carriage pulled up outside the Wachterhaus and the gorgeously attractive woman climbed in. Anastrasya was beaming and delightful as ever. Ser Alys pointedly made her husband move up so he wasn't looking at her. She knew what happened last time. And the time before.
Gaddock carefully checked the packages and confirmed that they weren't enchanted. Everyone opened them. Anastrasya made polite conversation. Time passed swiftly, with the carriage seeming to cover the distance much faster than it should, perhaps another effect from the vampire lord. They noted that Anastrasya seemed to be a little nervous, and didn't seem to be turning on the charm in the same way as normal.
The carriage stopped at the ruined watchtowers before the drawbridge which crossed a drop that they couldn't see down to the bottom of, covered in mist as it was. Lightning flashed, lighting the sky and revealing a huge castle. Thunder rolled. A light snow blew around. Gingerly, they crossed the drawbridge into the courtyard, which was surrounded by 90 foot tall walls and filled with swirling mists. Ahead, torches guttered and a door was open, providing a warming glow. They entered of their own will. Having passed through a chamber with four small red coloured dragon statues, they entered an impressive entry chamber, vaulted with grand stairs to the north, closed doors to the east and the sound of organ music to the south.
Coming down the stairs was a dark elven figure, who scowled at them with a deeply cynical look. He looked the party up and down and they could feel his barely repressed disappointment. They realised that they'd seen him before, at the Church in the village of Barovia and also near the Wachterhaus in Vallaki.
"Welcome, guests. I'm afraid that the Count is occupied at the moment, so please allow us to prepare you for dinner." His words didn't give a feeling of comfort.
"Now then, Rahadin, you aren't putting our guests at their ease. Introductions first, and then we'll make sure that they are appropriately attired for dinner with your Master." The voice came from their south, where a young man with ruffled straw-coloured hair, dressed impeccably, emerged from a stairwell, accompanied by a young woman. He introduced himself as Escher, one of Count Strahd's companions, and the young lady as Sasha Ivliskova "who'd been good and been allowed out to play tonight". Sasha gave him an annoyed look, but there was clearly something a little off about her. It became apparent that while Escher was a natural conversationalist with a passion for music, Sasha was much less sure of herself and tended to answer any questions with short, monosyllabic answers not unlike a teenager. She looked somewhat nervous in the presence of the guests. Whether it was because of them was unclear.
Escher introduced Rahadin as the Castle's Chamberlain and the Count's right hand for the last four centuries. Rahadin scowled at him and bluntly reminded Escher that the guests needed to be refreshed and appropriately attired. Gaddock's decision to dress formally without footwear, leaving his toes exposed seemed to being annoying the dark elf. Escher smoothly interjected, persuading the party to prepare for dinner. Everyone except Gaddock agreed, and the halfling found himself left behind in an echoing hall with only the sound of the organ for entertainment. Rahadin withdrew up the grand entrance, warning Gaddock not to go anywhere, and not to open any doors as they were closed for the visitor's protection. Parts of the Castle weren't safe for visitors.
Climbing up past two landings, perhaps reaching climbing over a hundred and fifty feet in height, the rest of the party came to a warmly appointed room with rugs, drapes and an outlook that would have seen for miles out across Barovia had it been daylight. The de Rouge's were taken into the room first, where they were introduced to Ludmilla, a tall and darker skinned woman wearing a striking golden headpiece and a glamorous dress. Using magic and care, she drew a glamour across the pair of warriors, adding little touches of sparkle. Escher brushed and arranged their hair, all the while keeping up a charming patter. When Kelwarin came in, the patter shifted towards the flirtatious. Kel had been waiting on the landing with Sasha, who he'd failed to get much conversation out of. She seemed to be afraid of talking with him, almost as if she was afraid of getting something wrong and causing offence.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Gaddock examined the entrance hall. He had a suspicion that something was not quite right about it. A little investigation, and he confirmed his theory. A glamour had been laid upon the Castle; underneath the spell were the dirt and cobwebs of ages. He turned, contemplating trying one of the doors, only to find Rahadin coming down the stairs towards him. Rahadin looked annoyed at the halfling, commenting that it was disrespectful to come into the Count's presence inappropriately attired. He advanced towards Gaddock, looking as if he'd made his mind up about something. Gaddock started to hear screaming in his head, thousands of voices crying out. He decided to brazen it out, making a cheerful response and patting Rahadin on his arm. The moment that his hand contacted the elf, the screams rose to a crescendo and he felt a splitting pain behind his eyes from their intensity. It startled him, and his physical contact seemed to startle Rahadin.
The Chamberlain was just about to say something more, when Escher returned with the rest of the group and the music stopped. The doors into the dining chamber, lit with three chandeliers and dominated by a large table and the organ, opened and Count Strahd welcomed his guests warmly. Attractive, urbane, and extremely confident, he seemed to take great interest in his visitors. Ser Adon and Ser Alys were welcomed first, with the Count seeming to know all about their actions and prowess in arms. Gaddock and Kelwarin were greeted with questions about their magical powers. Polite conversation commenced, with the conversation carefully avoiding offence. Kel handed over the rare bottle of Champagne du Stompe and the chocolates he had brought, and the Count instructed Escher to bring wine and food.
They sat at the table; Escher serviced Red Dragon Crush to everyone. The wine carafe and glasses were carried on trays that floated alongside Escher and Sasha. Food followed, generous portions of roast pork and vegetables. Strahd was served with them and, as far as Kel could tell, he was drinking the same wine as them. The food was real and prepared really well. It was a hearty meal. Small talk continued; Strahd managed to get Ser Alys to bristle with a comment that she felt was offensive (but was probably more about cultural differences). Music played in the background, wafting down from somewhere outside the room to the north.
Eventually, Strahd turned the conversation around to the Ring of Vallaki. It was clear that he held the previous Burgomaster, Baron Vargas, in contempt. It soon became apparent that he was happy for the Ring to rule Vallaki, so long as it fulfilled its duties. They brought up the tithe and asked what it was. Strahd explained that the town of Vallaki didn't pay taxes as such; rather, it provided wine and other comestibles, and two new servants annually. Due to the Baron's intransigence, the town was behind. They enquired about the health of past servants, and Strahd confirmed that they were well fed and looked after. He also said that they didn't have any that the party could talk to as it has been a while since the tithe was last paid and it was so hard to keep hold of staff these days.
He explained that there were alternatives to the tithe; services could be provided. There were three potential services that he could propose at the moment.
He'd had some trouble in another part of his domain, the Graensekov. A group of criminals had murdered the Boyar, his son and daughter and one of the Count's trade agents. They'd also burned down the house of Lady Molot Costa's aunt, killing her. Apparently these bandits were known as Ser Odo, Ser Aless, Sven and Tarovitch. Strahd wanted them captured and brought to him for judgement.
The second potential service was to locate and capture a dangerous assassin and murderer who had been seen in Barovia around Lake Luna and also in Vallaki. His name was Van Richten, and although he was an older man, he was very dangerous. He was a troublemaker, Wiley and paranoid and a known master of disguise. Strahd knew of him from the Vistani, from whom he had heard tales of Van Richten's ongoing genocidal hatred of the folk. He was kind of a bogeyman to the Vistani, having killed many over the years, cold-bloodedly and without warning. As Strahd had given the Vistani refuge from the many that threatened and discriminated against them, he suspected that Van Richten wanted to kill him. He wanted Van Richten dealt with; ideally captured and brought before him, but alternatively killed with evidence.
The final service was a matter of helping Strahd in a matter where he needed to act in loco parentis. The Burgomaster of Barovia had passed away some months ago, and his daughter had gone astray. She was missing, perhaps fled in grief or driven away by her ne'er do well brother, Ismark. The Count didn't want to make an example of Ismark as good blood was so hard to find, but he needed Ireena Kolyana locating and bringing to him.
One of these duties or the tithe was due in two weeks at the Winter Solstice. He mentioned that he'd not accepted Lady Wachter's offer to reinstate the old, traditional, blood tax. This was where criminals convicted of significant offences were handed over to the Count for punishment.
Dinner wrapped up and Strahd offered to take the party for a tour of Castle Ravenloft. He started to wax lyrically about his mother, after which he had named the castle. She'd passed away when travelling to the valley, a source of great sorrow to the Count. He talked with respect and love about his father, King Barov, and his mother Queen Ravenovia. His father had been a champion of the Morninglord, and his mother had the insights of Mother Night. They had been just and fair rulers, and Strahd had become the General his father wanted, a dutiful son, not a feckless layabout that abandoned his duties at the first excuse.
They left the dining chamber, heading back to the imposing entrance chamber. Rather than going up the huge flight of marbled stairs that Rahadin had descended when they arrived, a set of bronze double doors to the east swung open eerily, leading to a hallway decorated with life size statues of knights. Strahd confirmed that they were his ancestors who had served the Morninglord and various Saints. Creepily, their eyes seemed to follow the group as they walked through. The far end of the hall had another set of bronze doors, with a symbol of beaten bronze that looked like a rising or setting sun hung above.
They opened to reveal what would have been a spectacular chapel, now marred by partly boarded up stained glass windows that reached altar feet upwards. In the centre, in front of the windows, lit by light from the storm outside was an altar stood upon a stone platform. The sides of the altar were carved with bas-reliefs of angelic figures entwined with grape vines. The light from above falls directly on a silver statuette. A cloaked figure is draped over the altar, and a black mace lies on the floor near its feet.
Strahd stayed back, but some of the party advanced; the body was long dead, but there was something dark in its nature. However, as they approached, a feeling of peace and calm came over them. It emanated from the statuette. Turning back to their host, they noticed that the room was not exactly as it seemed. The pews were toppled and in disarray, and there were signs of conflict. These all disappeared when they got perhaps thirty feet from the altar. As their host led them out, they noticed that he avoided going within the area of peacefulness. Strahd directed them to the stairs; looking up, they could see a balcony and an impressive domed ceiling.
The wooden stairs had seen better days, creaking as they headed up. They opened up into the balcony that they had seen earlier, edged by a sculpted stone railing. It would have had spectacular views, and there were two ornate thrones overlooking the chapel. A quick turn to west saw them enter another hallway which looked like it had been set up as some kind of reception area. There were long tables folded against the walls. They cut across a corridor, and entered through double doors into a large chamber with a throne on a dias to the south. Beautiful string and woodwind instruments took up a gentle dance tune as they entered. Near the throne, they could seem Lady Anastrasya, Ludmilla and another woman, who was introduced as Volenta.
Strahd invited the group to dance, as what was a party without music and celebration. The music swelled from magically animated instruments and the dance began with partners changing with great regularity. Someone whispered "don't look in their eyes" as they were swept into the arms of their dance partners, something that Gaddock found easier than the others due to the height difference.
As the dance rotated around the room, each of the party found themselves in turn dancing with Strahd, who took the time to sound them out with an offer for the future. Ser Alys had her offer opened by Strahd talking as one soldier to another, someone with who had mutual understanding of the brutalities that a life of battle brought, someone who understood that the sophistication of nobility was always a veneer. The Count explained the land of Barovia needed law maintaining and strong rulers, cut off as it was from the rest of humanity. He said that he admired Ser Alys' strength of purpose and clarity of duty, and asked her to lead in Vallaki and ensure that peace was maintained across Barovia. She wasn't too impressed with Strahd's somewhat backward attitude to her as a woman and leader, and remained politely noncommittal.
The conversation with Ser Adon went differently; they started to talk before they danced, with Strahd explaining that although he was undead, he wasn't unreasonable. He could see that Adon was a man of faith and duty. He was reminded of his dear, beloved father who was also a true champion of his faith, unlike some that just wanted the trapping and abandoned them at the first opportunity. Strahd caught Ser Adon's eye as he explained that he wanted the knight to provide a strong moral compass in Vallaki, to stop them straying from their duties and to protect them from darkness that encroached, isolating the valley. He then confused Adon a little by referring to the darkness that touches his soul. Strahd smiled and said "I see that you participate in same vintages that I do, albeit in a different way". A little confused, Adon could see that Strahd was indeed a reasonable man, dedicated to his people, weighed down with responsibility in a hard place and trying to do his duty. Unexplicable, Adon found himself feeling sympathy with the devil.
Strahd's engagement with Gaddock was a little different. The dark lord opened up by pointing out to Gaddock that he was mortal, that he'd been dying from the day that he was born, but the Count was willing to offer him access to power that few had seen. Gaddock was complemented on his magical prowess and cunning, especially having turned to this career so late in life. Strahd's study of magic had come late as well, under the archmage Khazan. He could sense a similar hunger and passion for power in Gaddock, and was willing to offer him security, power and access to secrets that - in time - may be able to break through the barriers of death. Gaddock can't leave this place, but he could grow in it into a powerful ally and fulfil his potential. Gaddock suspected that Strahd was offering him access to the temple to the south and perhaps the path to become a lich.
Kelwarin faced into the dance somewhat nervously, especially when Strahd opened up saying that he'd been dying to meet him, and that he could see that Kel was drawn to the brightness in her soul the same way as he was. He looked at Kel and said that this was a good thing; there was a fire and passion in Kel's soul which delighted the dark lord and was seldom seen. Strahd complemented him on his gift with tongues and persuading people. Strahd could offer him a role that would allow him to use those skills and travel beyond Barovia safely; he needed an agent to travel to other realms on his behalf. Strahd paused, then said "you know the you'll get bored with her, or just have the sorrow and hurt of outliving her. Or worse loose her, as she doesn't know that truly she's mine. Become my agent and ally, we don't have to be on conflicting paths."
Just as Kel and Strahd finished talking, Escher walked in with two other people; an older man, introduced as Lief Lipsiege, and a young woman introduced as Gertruda. Ser Adon was concerned, so reached out with his powers and confirmed they were not undead. Escher, Ludmilla, and Volenta were definitely undead. Interestingly, Strahd was not there, when detecting his nature. It was as if he was one with the land around because that was all Adon could see. Lady Anastrasya was not undead, nor was Rahadin. Lipsiege was the King's Book keeper, who managed the accounts of the domain.
Something was familiar about Gertruda though. This was the girl they'd asked to find by her mother Mary when they first arrived in Barovia. They talked to her, trying to work out if she was there against her will, but she didn't seem to be. She pushed back at the hints of a way out of the castle, explaining that she was very happy her, that her mother was mad and overbearing, keeping her trapped in the house ever since her dad died. Thinking back, they did recall that the mother had been referred to as 'Mad Mary' by some of the people they'd met in the village of Barovia. They decided that this wasn't the time to do anything about her.
Escher continued to flirt lightly with Kel, when Volenta approached him. She excitedly continued a conversation they'd had when dancing, suggesting that Kel come and see some of her art installations. She'd never had someone as cultured come to see them. Kel accepted, and then was reminded by his colleagues that they'd agreed not to go wandering off on their own with the brides! He demurred and was covered by the suggestion from the party that it was getting late and perhaps they should be heading back to Vallaki soon.
They headed downstairs, back to the Dining Hall. Strahd proposed a toast before they left; Escher looked embarrassed and said they were out of wine in this barrel. He looked at Adon and Alys and asked if one of them could help him. Ser Adon accepted, and followed Escher down the stairs they'd gone up previously. They excited into an odd room with divots in the floor and some metal runners. Cutting through, they passed a kitchen and ended up at a wine cellar. Carrying the barrel, they passed the kitchen, and because they were going in the opposite direction to when they had come down initially, Adon could see that someone was hanging upside down, with blood funnelling into a bowl below which was almost full. Escher met Adon's gaze and said, "Did you forget that you were dining with monsters?". He asked the knight to hold, and went into the kitchen, letting the man down. He licked the wound and bound it, telling the victim to sit on the bench and someone would come to take him back to his room. As Escher picked up the barrel with Adon again, he looked at him, explaining that the man was a criminal that had been sent for punishment by the Count. Shocked, recalling the brutality of Strahd's overlordship, the sympathy that Adon had for the Count evaporated.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Sasha arrived with their cloaks and clothes, and some gifts. Ser Alys noticed a piece of paper slipped into the pile. When no-one was looking, she read it. It said, "Not everyone here is your enemy". Ser Adon returned, and a toast was held for the guests. Strahd wished them safe travels, and turning to Ser Adon, he smiled and asked him to think on about their conversation. However, having seen what he'd seen below in the kitchen, Adon's sympathy had evaporated, and Strahd's charm washed over him like a wave over a rock on the shore. Adon's resolution had returned.
Boarding the carriage, they started to relax. The snow swirled around, the wind gave a low moan; looking back they could see the lights go out but as they did, it was as if a glamour was fading. Checking their gifts out, Gaddock first used magic to make sure they weren't enchanted. Ser Adon was given a beautiful book of hymns to the Morninglord. Ser Alys had a beautifully balanced platinum dagger marked 'letters' and a matching writing set. She looked at it, sighed and threw it out of the window into the precipice as the carriage crossed it. She also grabbed her husband's gift and threw it out before he had a chance to decide to keep it. Kel and Gaddock kept their gifts. theorems and the other was a slim, bound diary. It was written by Khazan and described the start of his quest to seek eternal life and become a lich. Kelwarin had been give a beautiful bloodstone ruby broach that glittered and sparkled, responding to magical power nearby. Gaddock had been given two slim volumes; one was full of alchemical.
The carriage headed back along the road the Vallaki, into the night...
GM Notes:
Where to start? This took a lot of preparation; I drew mainly upon the Dragnacarta remix for this session as it gave a great outline for a dinner party like this. I also spent a fair bit of time thinking through what Strahd would want from them as representatives of the Ring as well as individually. This was prepared as a list of pitches and gifts, and the dancing provided a great opportunity to give everyone time with Strahd. It turned out that the dinner table conversation was much more focussed around Strahd and the character's backgrounds (some of which isn't in the write up above) and the demands on the Ring of Vallaki from its feudal overlord, and the audience hall dance sequence was the personal engagement.
Strahd only used charm against Ser Adon; he succeeded easily (Dr Mitch fumbled), but the spell was broken when the Barovian being drained was seen and he saved again (this time a critical) and then also critical saved when Strahd tried to reassert influence at the toast.
The look of shock on the player's when they realised that Rahadin had fumbled on his stealth roll but still rolled 15 was beautiful! That came early and I think made them realise the potential danger they were in.
First Age commented that he was aware of the danger before setting off, but the stealth roll bonus reinforced how outmatched they were. It shored up the view he had of the threat. He felt that it was more of a Pathfinder bonus than a 5e!
I was concerned that the session could have ended up being a lot of monologuing but I think I avoided that. I'd not intended to place them especially in harms way, but had to be ready, so had made sure that I'd completed the upgrades on Strahd to CR27. Dragnacarta, MandyMod and many of the Redditors recommend this and it makes sense. I suspect that the party would have had a chance to take Strahd reasonably easily at this point if they caught him alone. I'd started to implement these previously, but spent some time modifying his Roll20 sheet to reflect this fully.
I did a fair bit of preparation on Roll20 itself; I added in routes through the castle on the GM's layer and made sure that I'd gone through all the key room descriptions. This paid off, making it really smooth on the evening and offsetting the fact that it's a huge location. The new scripts are definitely useful. Only one issue with dynamic lighting, which was that Gaddock doesn't have dark sight so I had to add in a light source for him when they went on the tour.
I added in Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for the organ playing and also Eine kleine nachtmusik - allegro for the dancing.
All in all, I think it went as well as it could and was a good season finale. Hopefully Strahd feels a little more complex than he did before, and they've seen him at home. Talky sessions do take a lot of time to write up though!
1 May 2022