14 October 2024

Furnace XIX (2024) - After Action Report

Furnace 2024 Badges test print showing ten badges with the new logo and QR code before a mail-merge is done.
Badges with the refreshed logo and QR code to the timetable

As with previous after action reports for Furnace, this is written through the lens of an organiser who is also a games master and player.

The weekend just passed saw the nineteenth Furnace, something that I find quite scary. Where has all that time gone? Furnace is the first and oldest of the Garricons, and came from a desire to have a weekend focused on play rather than seminars and other events. The tag line is "It's all about the Games", which is really as much as you need to know about the approach. Five sessions of tabletop roleplaying games in a former barracks gaolhouse, with around seventy people attending. This year, I ran three games and played in two more. In truth, two of those games were much more narrative story games, so I facilitated rather than acted as a traditional GM.

As usual, I was doing the badges for the convention, and this year I needed to modify them to add a QR code for the timetable (an innovation we'd added in March for Revelation which had gone down well). This meant I needed to regenerate the logo; we couldn't find the original file (it's been the same since at least 2015) so I found a similar but more modern font. The original Furnace logo was finally retired; it has lasted 19 years, but it was too long and thin to work with a QR code effectively. The substitution worked first time, which was a relief. 

I'd taken the Friday before the convention off to allow myself enough time to do all the logistics things, but I still managed to end up rushed. That meant that I didn't bring anything for the Bring 'n' Buy for the first time so there was no way to assuage the slight guilt I had buying some new books from Patriot Games and All Rolled Up.

Every year, Elaine and I ask Graham if he's booked us a room at the hotel, and every year the answer has been 'yes', once he's checked. This started getting referred to as "the question", so this time I was determined not to ask it. That meant I was pretty shocked when, fifteen minutes from the Garrison, a WhatsApp message gets read out from Graham querying why I'm driving to the hotel as "you're not staying over on Friday". Fortunately, this got resolved; Graham uncanceled my room having canceled it a few hours before. That does leave me with the conundrum of whether to ask the question next convention...

When I arrived at the bar, there were two groups of gamers. I said hello to one group and sat down with a pint to watch a fascinating worker placement game (Pan Am) which the other group were playing. Andrew and Richard were happy to have a good chat while they played, and it was a chilled and fun evening. I headed for a relatively early bed.

Morning brought the 8am meet up for the traditional Garrison cooked breakfast, and we were soon in full set up mode. Graham gave the traditional opener, and we were off! Patriot Games and All Rolled Up were present, and swarms of gamers descended to see their offerings.

A photo of my character sheet for Old Gods of Pangea. Behind it is an orange dice bag, and a name standee that says 'Kinloch Taggart, Union Boss'. A lonely d20 sits on the character sheet.
My character for Old Gods of Pangea, a Union Boss.

My Slot 1 game was run by Paul Baldowski and was called "Old Gods of Pangea". The scenario had come about thanks to a throwaway comment I'd made about the Welsh and Scottish mountains being part of the original Appalachian range (thanks to my A-Level Geology studying son) so why couldn't they set 'Old Gods of Appalachia' in the UK. Paul ran with it and we had a really scary adventure on the Isle of Skye. I wish we'd had some more time, as I think that we only scratched the surface of the plot and it was really evocative. I had a great group of fellow players. This was the first time I'd actually played a game that used the Cypher Engine, and I enjoyed it. That's good, because my copy of the Invisible Sun should arrive in the next month or two.

Three players around a table with glowsticks, cards and character sheets, plus snacks! The leftmost player, a man with a grey top is smiling as he plays a 'Not so Easy' card. The player in the middle, a man with grey hair and glasses smiles, and the rightmost player, a woman with black hair watches on.
Taking glee at playing a 'Not So Easy' Card

A quick lunch from Morrisons before the first game I was running. This was 'The Zone', which I'd run previously. I'd really enjoyed it, as it evokes the Southern Reach Trilogy and other weird fiction, and one of the players from the last run through rejoined. I had a full house of six players so I facilitated rather than played, and Expedition XV headed to their doom in the heart of the Zone. The final denouement was when the cat revealed it could talk and calmly explained to the last surviving human that now it was time for them to meet their fate. I was nervous that Fil's selection of the cat could risk farce, but she played it brilliantly, and the ending was full of tension. It was also really surreal, as the cat escaped their fate several times in the session, with another character finding their doom instead each time. I must call out Dan for playing out that final scene fantastically, and also for pushing hard during the scenario. Really enjoyable, and I would play again.

Dinner was at KFC, and Keary, myself and John held our usual Furnace Bookclub, along with another con-goer. We each chicken and compare notes on good books and TV-series we've seen.

A picture of the game table during the game of Revolt. The Revolt rules lie in the foreground, with black and white artwork of Mortimus the Toad King. In the background are tarot sized cards and a cloth map with meeples representing the characters on it.
The game of Revolt, held in a darkened cell.

Slot 3 had me facilitating 'Revolt'. This was an impulse purchase of mine; the game has a woodland full of insect factions oppressed by Mortimus the Toad King, a cruel ruler who had murdered Queen Renata, the Bee Queen, to steal the throne. Totally card driven, the game has a lovely map, and the players weave a story of how a revolt brews and is then resolved. I really enjoyed listening to the story the players wove. If I did it again, I'd get some labels and standees so we could add some notes on the map to remember the tale we'd told at each location they'd visited. I think everyone had a good time.

It wasn't that late when I finished, but the bar was (surprisingly) empty, so I headed to my room for an early night and the chance to review my Dying Earth scenario. Morning brought another Garrison breakfast, and then we plunged back into the games.

To the left of the foreground is a Liminal character sheet, and to the right there is a reMarkable with notes on players and characters around the table. To the top the image are two dice trays, each contains two six-sided dice. A gun-metal hot drink flask is also present.
Liminal fun

I played in Elaine's Liminal game in the morning, and had great fun. Liminal is such a great game and can be played with many different tones. The scenario was set in London and we tried to prevent an evil cabal of sorcerers opening a chaos gate in a long lost underground station near the Barbican. The tone was very different to the Fae, vampire and werewolf focused campaign that I'd played during COVID as a playtest for the Liminal Casebook. We had great fun, and once again, everyone got really stuck into their characters.

Lunch by Morrisons, and then the raffle. My highlight from that was Lynn and John's toddler pulling the tickets and building a huge amount of tension as he struggled to open the folded tickets and then gave out a squeal of delight. I did technically win, but put the prize back as I'd spent enough already!

A set of ten character cards. Nine of them are arranged in a 3x3 matrix with a portrait in the middle, and the tenth is at the bottom centre. There are two three taglines and a white token to the left and lots of drink cups, cards and pens on the table around.
The ten character cards that define a Dying Earth Revivification Folio Character

The afternoon brought 'The Dying Earth Revivification Folio', something that had filled me with both dread and excitement. I've long been a fan of the Jack Vance setting and Pelgrane's game, but the engine had left me feeling I wasn't eloquent or clever enough to run it. The Revivification Folio is a more simplified approach, but still was fun to play and absolutely captured the feel of the setting. The characters found themselves press-ganged as servants due to hidden terms and conditions in their registration at a Hotel run by a sorcerer. They were very much in denial of this (or rather the player's were) and only eventually did they begin to accept their situation.  One of the players picked exactly the wrong moment to be distracted and managed to miss when their peers had their characters take on roles at the Hotel Grand Perduz, leaving only the job of the mucker for them, a very smelly and icky role.

We had the same character letting out a human eating deodand from its prison because they were convinced that they'd persuaded it not to eat them. The character ended up locked in the the deodand's cage in case they needed a snack later on. Another character cruelly abandoned their concubine to the same deodand, running out of the room and locking the door behind them. The scenario was brought to a fun conclusion, with the characters escaping by the skin of their teeth. I enjoyed it, but was forced to handwave at one point when I realised that the method of escaping from the Hotel was impossible as it needed a magic skill test and none of the six regenerated characters had that as an option. However, no harm done. Except to the young vat-grown concubine. And perhaps to the viability of the Hotel as a going concern.

And then it was the end, and I headed off home. A great weekend of gaming, and next year will mark two decades of the convention.

14 October 2024

07 October 2024

Books in September 2024

The September 2024 cover collage…

I read a fair bit over the last month, and journeys for work meant that I made my way through several heavier books on Audible when travelling between sites. Raw stats are 11 books (2 non-fiction, 2 roleplaying and 7 fiction) and 3,052 pages read.

Non-fiction included Dr Jack Lewis’ “Sort your brain out” which is an wonderfully approachable exploration of how your brain works, how it influences your behaviour and the choices that you can make to influence it. It builds on some of the work that we have done for safety at work, so it was fascinating. “Why I’m no longer talking to White People about Race” (by Renni Eddo-Lodge) was a well written but challenging read, as it explores how sub-conscious (and conscious) prejudices and privilege plays out and how you most likely won’t see it if you are from a white background in the UK.

The roleplaying books were Cepheus Universal, which I reviewed here already, and The Dying Earth Revivification Folio, which I will be running at Furnace.

On to fiction; I start with the book that my brain keeps on trying to think of as non-fiction, The Fall of Númenor. This is a very approachable compilation of Tolkien’s writings on the Second Age, focused around the establishment and fall of the Edain island state after the end of the First Age, through to the Last Alliance’s almost pyrrhic victory over Sauron where Elendil, Gil-Galad and later Isildur where killed.  The audio presentation is excellent. If you want to know what Rings of Power is drawing on, then this goes much further as it has IP that the TV producers don’t have access to.

Tom Bradby’s Shadow Dancer was a brutally sad tale of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, which doesn’t end well for many involved. Charles Beaumont’s A Spy Alone is a thriller that imagines that there was an Oxford spy ring as well as the Cambridge one, and takes that forward. Paul Vidich’s Beirut Station is another gripping espionage tale set in the middle east.

James SA Corey (The Expanse…) returns with the opening of a new series, The Mercy of Gods. It begins with a human settled world being overrun by overwhelming alien forces and follows the fates of some of the prisoners taken as they start to find out what is really going on. A promising beginning that kept the pages turning.

The last two books were novellas. The first - The Masquerade of Spring by Ben Aaronovitch, is a prequel to the Rivers of London series where Nightingale visits New York after the First World War. It was a fun read. The second, and probably my favourite book of the month (just) was Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Saturation Point, a great bit of world building that has a cyberpunk feel. A team is sent into uninhabitable jungle to find out what is going on. The protagonist used to work there as a scientist and slowly discovers what was really happening when she worked there and after. Gripping, and one that I found hard to put down.

7 October 2024

06 October 2024

TravCon 2024 - After Action Report

TravCon 2024 - character standee for a Free Trader Pilot called Klian Swift, with character sheet and silver and red bullet dice below
My character, ready for action.

Five years is a long time. That's how long it has been since the last TravCon, and perhaps the most uncomfortable thing about this pilot relaunch was just seeing how all the familiar faces have aged. However, it was a fun-filled weekend of Traveller focused gaming with friends old and new, which very much captured the feel of past events.

There were some differences; although the accommodation was still at Redwings Lodge in Sawtry, the gaming moved three miles down the road to Alconbury Memorial Hall. This was a forced change because Redwings have got rid of their meeting room suite, so we had nowhere to game onsite. The format saw three normal (~4 hour) length slots on Saturday and one longer slot on Sunday. Mongoose were present over Saturday lunch and Matt Sprange gave a keynote on the state of Traveller, which was especially interesting given that most of the rights have transferred over from Marc Miller.

Although I've been active with BITS in the past, I've never really got involved in organising TravCon. Instead, I just turn up and run and play. Richard Talbot was key in the background, finding the new location and helping pull things together. He deservedly won a Starburst for Extreme Heroism for this by general acclaim of all present, and was given a limited edition book donated by Mongoose as a prize! The "P*ng, F*ck it!" prize was won by Graham Spearing for his brave but futile and fatal attempt to take a sample from a xenomorph with a spoon.

TravCon 2024 - a man collecting a limited edition game book having had his character killed by trying to engage a xenomorph with a spoon, to the amusement of all present!
He's won a book!

I offered to run two games for the convention, figuring that I could draw upon the Scoundrels of Brixton setting zines that I've picked up recently. This is a crime focused setting, with a very cyberpunk edge to it. Officially, it isn't part of the Traveller universe, but you can easily hack the Brixton star system to being a Terran deep range colony set up a long distance rimward of the Solomani Confederation. The setting material uses the Traveller SRD in Cepheus form, and I decided to use Cepheus Universal as the engine. At the table, it just felt like Traveller.

Prework for TravCon2024 - screenshot showing the handwritten pages from my reMarkable file in the desktop app
Scenario development (screenshot of reMarkable file contents)

Two scenarios were possibly a bit ambitious, especially as Furnace falls the week immediately after TravCon, and I'd already committed to running three games and also have the con-organiser duties to deal with. I read through the three zines I've got (two physical, one PDF at the moment) and identified a number of adventure seeds that looked worth working up. Cepheus Universal outlines a recommended 5-stage approach for adventure session design, so I built everything around that, sketching out notes on my reMarkable and building the two adventures in parallel.

TravCon 2024 - close up of miniatures on a Loke Battlemap in a tense scene in a restaurant.
Loke Battlemap in action

I decided to avoid needing to prepare any maps by picking up two of the Loke Battlemap sets that I'd been eyeing up for quite a while. I grabbed the Cyberpunk and SF Giant sets, and they proved great to use in play. I think the Cyberpunk set is more useable, but both are excellent. 

TravCon 2024 - photo of gaming table; five players contemplating the situation on the battle map (a casino heist). The front of the image has all my gaming material.
My first game 'A Nice and Easy In and Out"

The two scenarios were each a little different - the first one involved at heist where the party needs to extract some valuable equipment from a remote warehouse on the edge of a corporate mining town and get it back to orbit. The second was escort duty for a courier; take them to a meet, make sure that nothing bad happens to them, then get back to Sky City with the merchandise. On reflection, the first scenario provided more freedom for the party to find their own way and have some great character-led interactions. The second was much narrower; yes, it had lots of scope for the party to find its own way, but overall there was quite a clear path to follow. It wasn't a railroad, but the options were limited. It was fascinating that the players in the first group managed to mostly avoid violence, whereas it was more prevalent for the second mission. Perhaps I got the 15 and 18 ratings I gave the scenarios right.

TravCon 2024 - Group of four players looking back at the GM mid-game, miniatures on the table on a battlemat.
My second adventure - "Drugs for Life".  A right dodgy crew!

I generated up six characters using the UPP strings and points build method, and then rolled life path options. I did mostly flesh out the skills not taken on the career life paths as Level 0 (ie competent but no bonus). I left some of this deliberately vague so the players had the scope to tweak what was there and how they could use it in play; the first group made good use of family connections, the second leaned on their friends.

The final thing I did was steal from The Sprawl, using the Legwork and Action clocks, and using variants on the 'You get the Job' move. These worked really well, and built tension, encouraging the players to push forward and not get lost in analysis paralysis.

I was pretty much ready by Wednesday before the convention, which was when the complication struck; the kids brought 'back-to-school-itis' home and I came down quite hard with it on Thursday. I ended up deciding not to come down on the Friday night and to miss the first session (which was a shame as I was looking forward to Jeff's game of 2300AD using the Bayern mission). It was the right decision; even though I loaded up with paracetamol, Lucozade and plenty of throat lozenges, I was definitely in a better place that I would have been when I was running. The disappointment to this was missing the first 15 minutes or so of Matt Sprange's address. 

TravCon 2024 - Photo from the back of the hall for the keynote - Matt Sprange and colleague on the stage, Andy Lilly to the right and the attendees on chairs listening
The Keynote

I had a lot of fun playing Graham's game on Sunday morning; very much a frontier exploration of an Ancient's site. What was strange was that it gave me echoes of the Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart adventure that I played at North Star earlier this year, and then I realised that Traveller has been doing this for so much longer with Twilight's Peak and Shadows leading the way. I played a cocky pilot and we stumbled our way through the adventure to find potential riches for our very crippled merchant venture.

TravCon 2024 - pictire showing a group of players around a table mid game. The GM looks happy!
"A Ticket to see Oasis" - Graham's Traveller game
It was great to see so many old friends, but a bit scary to see them suddenly five years older.

Redwings was much as it ever was, pretty much on par with a Travelodge that has a small bar and games room. The Alconbury Memorial Hall was a good venue; lots of space and enough for us to easily have five games underway. I suspect that this could have been pushed to seven if we'd had enough attendees.

TravCon 2024 - Andy Lilly (standing) answers a question from the audience who are seated around him. There are windows behind and a table with gaming material in the middle right.
Andy Lilly (BITS lead) answers a question in the keynote.

It's likely that TravCon will return around March/April 2025; it's been noted that the comms needs to be better, and we'll get an opportunity to feedback some more over the next few weeks. It would also be nice to broaden the group attending, although space may limit that opportunity. Most likely it will be in the same area. There was a brief discussion on TravCon North, but there wasn't much enthusiasm for that from Andy. 

The nearest thing we'll have to that is North Star, which happens in May next year in Sheffield. It's larger than TravCon already, and covers all SF RPGs, so that may well be worth pursuing if you fancy a North of England based SF con where Traveller is welcome. 

In conclusion; a fun weekend playing my long term favourite roleplaying game.

6 October 2024

28 September 2024

First Impressions - Cepheus Universal (Traveller SRD)

Photo of Cepheus Universal hardcover book, standing on its end on a white and grey desk. The title is at the top in an orange font like that used in Blade Runner, with the subtitle 'The Universal Science Fiction Roleplaying Game' underneath. There is a picture of a suited astronaut - all greens, oranges and yellows
Cepheus Universal

First of all, this isn't going to be an in-depth look at Cepheus Universal, as I've not really got the time for that at the moment. I'm also probably not the best person to do that as I've been playing Traveller in its many forms for far too long.

Secondly, the book you see in the image above isn't what you'll get if you order a copy from Zozer Games.  I find the layout used by Zozer too big, so I have printed a personal copy as a digest sized hard cover to use at the tale. I anticipate that you won't see the green boundaries around a directly ordered copy.

This is Paul Elliott's take on the Cepheus Engine, informed by the work done on the Hostile Roleplaying game. It is a weighty book, coming in at 443-pages, containing everything you'd need for an extended campaign in a setting of your own choosing. It is more complete mechanically than Mongoose Traveller's core book in any of its editions.

The book is clearly laid out; as I mentioned above, I find the typeface too large and the font irksome, but it is an extremely clear mainly single column layout that's easy to read. The book was perfectly legible when I reduced it down in size. Examples are given in boxed text with a specific colour-fill, and tips and advice in others. There are almost no typos.

Cepheus is built from the SRD for Traveller that was available under the OGL, so it is slightly more crunchy than the current edition of Mongoose Traveller, but not significantly so. The core game mechanic is, as ever, roll 2D6 and achieve 8+ on your roll. Damage is applied directly to characteristics, as per Classic Traveller.

Things I like about Cepheus Universal:
  • Character generation includes a simple point build option which I'll be using this weekend to create the characters for my games at TravCon.
  • The game covers TL1 through to TL18 (so non-technological through to ring worlds and matter transfer which would seem like magic to us).
  • There are coherent and simple design rules for robots, vehicles and space-going vessels, and thought has been given to scaling between the different scales involved.
  • The spacecraft rules draw on Orbital 2100 to have lower technology slower-than-light vessels.
  • Factions treated as characters.
  • There is a light discussion throughout on how the rules would fit with various settings from media.
  • It's a fast read; because it's written clearly and the sub-systems like starship combat etc are modular, the game can be reviewed and understood quickly. You don't need to dive into the detail until you need it.
Things that I'm not so hot on;
  • The typeface used for the layout.
  • The removal of the jack-of-all-trades skill
  • The level of crunch (lots of little modifiers in combat for example - but this is no worse than Mongoose Traveller)
In short, this is a very complete game which has everything that you need for a campaign. You could easily pick up anything written for Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller, Marc Miller's Traveller (T4), or Mongoose Traveller and run it easily. Or you could easily grow your own. It is more complete than Mongoose Traveller.


28 September 2024

21 September 2024

First Impressions - Wulfwald RPG (Anglo-Saxon themed standalone OSR game)

Wulfwald RPG - a white slim A5 game box with red runes and a black and white illustration lying on top of a B&W cloth map by Russ Nicholson with the wording 'A map of Wulfwald' at the bottom right.
Welcome to Wulfwald

Wulfwald comes in a sturdy white box which contains five booklets, all staple bound, and a map printed on a tea towel. The map is by the late, great Russ Nicholson. In total there are 276 pages, all black and white. Each book (and the box) has great black & white art, and uses a red colour to highlight titles on the cover. 

Wulfwald isn’t really standalone; like the Black Hack, it assumes a knowledge of earlier (pre-3e) D&D, most likely something on the lines of B/X or Old-School Essentials. I could run it out of the box, but I've been doing this style of D&D for nearly 40 years, off and on. 

What’s it about?

The world is full of dangerous monsters, magic and men. We are reminded that the worst Monster to mankind is itself. 

"To a Thegn, the Wolfpack is little more than a tool, and what a Wolfpack can do is threaten, beat, rob, murder, and terrorise his enemies." 

The heart of the game requires the characters to carry out deniable, dangerous and despised actions for the good of their master. You play a Wolfshead in an Anglo-Saxon style Kingdom; you begin as an outcast working for a local ruler to deal with problems that need a deniable solution, perhaps because they're illegal or because they cause embarrassment. Of course, it could be because they are thought to be unworthy of the attention of one of the ruler's immediate retainers. 

TL;DR: Wulfwald is extremely impressive; evocative and different, it takes a light OSR framework and makes something unique. The subsystems like magic would be simple to lift to another game. The map and artwork is lovely, and it reminds me how much we will miss Russ Nicholson. Highly recommended.

Volume 1 “Wolfsheads”

Volume 1 begins by giving an outline of the setting, which is based upon Dark Ages and pre-Christian Germanic cultures between CE 400 and CE 700. It's aversion of the world where what Was superstition in our world is real. The dominant culture is that of the Eorðwerod, a Saxon-like culture split into rival, squabbling kingdoms. Towards the edges of the land, the Réðealingas remain, a Celtic style culture driven out to the margins. In the mountains dwell the Dweorgas, short people who take joy from crafting but are fiercely defensive. Trade with them is controlled by the Cyning of the Westland Seaxe, bringing him power and wealth because the Dweorgas are more interested in the crafting of what they create than its value to men. The forests are the domain of the primative but dangerous ÆIfcynn. Dragons and other creatures such as the undead exist, and are feared. Serfdom is real.

By default, the game sets three levels of competence for characters. These do have experience associated with them, but this is only gained from the gifts that your lord gives you for the duties you've done on his behalf. Alternatively, it’s suggested that the GM could use a form of milestone experience, levelling the characters up when appropriate. However, an appendix does outline an eight-level progression for each class if you are using Old-School Essentials or other similar clones. In that case, experience is handled as if a fighter or a wizard. 

Attributes are the usual, rolled on 3D6 in order. Each class has a prime attribute which can gain a bonus in the range -2 to +2. No other attributes gain bonuses.

Criticals are rolled on a 20 and fumbles on a 1, but these affect each class differently.

Hit points are rolled based on Hit Dice. Reduction to zero means defeat, but what form that takes is left to the GM. For example, a cliff fall may be fatal, but in combat you could be unconscious and left for dead or captured. Or eaten, if it was a wild animal that attacked you. 

Magic power is measured by Gealdor, linked to level and prime attribute. It impacts saves vs magic and powers. 

There are three character archetypes in Wulfwald:Warrior, Skirmisher and Wizard. Each kindred has its own class that fulfils this niche. 

The kindred are a mix of human and non-human. Ælfs are bonded to tree spirits, but any player character Ælfs are not, as they are Fey, doomed to a mortal death as their tree spirit has died. Their grief and sorrow drives them from their kin into self-exile. Dweorgas characters are Edwita, the disgraced. Exiled from home, they face death by shameful means if they return. Réðealingas characters have fled home because of a blood-feud; they can return, but need to accumulate enough power to be safe to do so. Eorðwerod characters are outcast without the protection of the law and can be slain without fear of reprisal or blood-feud. 

The game advises the GM to make the Wolfpack unique; their Lord shouldn't have another, similar group. There are no clerics or thief classes. All the character options are very different to traditional D&D characters, especially the magic-using classes. They make the setting feel very unique. 

The character classes are: 


1) Ælf Woodguard: a former protector of the great forest. Fast but can be rash. 

2) Dwarf Shield Brother: a former legendary defender of the mountain passes. Cunning but lost without their shield in combat. 

3) Eorðwerod Shieldmaiden: a young woman who has rejected the life her family set out for her. A versatile, balanced fighter. 

4) Réðealingas Battlestrong: a frontline fighter whose mighty blows sometimes leave them exposed. 


1) Ælf shooter:  a hunter with a deadly bow shot, but with less reliable, natural equipment.

2) Dwarf Death-dealer:  wielding the pellet-firing Dragon bow and deploying Dragon Eggs, the Death-dealer specialises with a deadly head shot but runs the risk of a weapon jamming.

3) Eorðwerod Spear-Terror; trained as a deadly spearsman, you can pin an opponent but your shoulder is vulnerable to dislocation from all the effort you've put into your fierce throw. 

4) Réðealingas Bowman -using drugged arrows you can cause carnage in the enemy's ranks, but run the risk of your bowstring snapping at an inopportune moment. 


1) Ælf spell singer: using glamours and shapeshifting, you can draw upon the powers of the forest.

2) Dwarf Fateweaver: skilled in rune crafting, you can weave the fate of the world around you. 

3) Eorðwerod Shining One: feared by your people, your powers of necromancy and ability to call upon spirits is often coveted by rulers even if they'd denounce you in front of their subjects. 

4) Réðealingas Witch - a wise woman skilled in the craft, saying, brewing potions, unleashing curses and healing as needed, taught by a foul-spawn familiar. 

The booklet rounds out its 60-pages with a list of useful gear, and some appendices. As well as the OSE conversion mentioned earlier, there's a list of Anglo-Saxon names, a pronunciation guide, and some ideas on why a character may have become a wolfshead. 

Volume 2 “Magic”

The second booklet is also 60-pages long and details the four magical paths mentioned in the character class descriptions above, provides a selection of magical items, before rounding out with a description of the gods and religions of Wulfwald and some useful tables. This section really makes the setting standout from the more traditional Vancian magic we expect from D&D, so I’ll spend a bit of time on the detail of the various approaches following.

Runic fate-weaving, favoured by the Dweorgas, is a form of contemplation of the nature of reality. The caster uses their understanding of the rune to change reality. There are 24 runes in total, divided into three Aetts (Eights). Wyrdwebbas (Wizards who manipulate runes) learn the Aetts in three blocks (which mechanically links to the base three levels in the game). Although they know all the runes, mastery comes slowly. Once a rune is used, it cannot be used again until they've used all the other runes they've mastered. 

Runes can be cast, used as a warding or binding or inscribed into something to give a permanent effect. However, inscribing a rune makes it permanently unavailable to the caster, so it is a decision not to be taken lightly. A casting roll is made, adjusted by the level of difficulty of the magic, levels range from effects that could just be coincidence or natural phenomena, through to powerful, reality warping effects that could cause devastation. A lower level Wyrdwebba has a slightly reduced chance and selection of runes to draw upon, but they can still achieve the same effects as the highest level. Any casting that spends less than an hour in contemplation results in penalties on the casting roll. 

Wardings and bindings differ from inscriptions in that they are a single use effect, not permanent. For example, you could bind the death rune to a weapon to kill the next person it struck. Runes can also be reversed to cause the opposite effect to their sphere. For example, the cattle Rune, Feoh, is associated with wealth but could be used in reverse to affect a victim's wealth negatively. 

ÆIfaynn spell singing requires the time and space for singing and chanting to work. It has three distinct forms; shape shifting, glamours to manipulate people, and the songs of the forest. Shapeshifting is straightforward and more forms become available as the caster progresses. Animals will know a shape shifted Spell singer and are often scared by them. Glamours require a save from the victim else they are manipulated. When they wear off, the victim must make another save if they want to remember what was done to them. Once glamours wear off, victims are immune for a number of days. Songs of the Forest work by drawing on the power of the woods and trees around to aid them. This can be in formation, protection or assistance. Each spell singer will have a limited selection of songs that they can sing, usually limited to a single time each day. 

Eorðwerod magic draws upon the necromancy of the Scinnlæca, or Shining Ones. Users are reviled and feared as they break taboos; there is every chance that an unsubtle magician could be lynched, even if they are an open ally of their liege lord. Powers are in three distinct groups, all calling upon phantoms which the user traps in their own body to let them draw upon its power. Calling the Dead like this fatigues the caster and taints them with evil. This will lead to permanent corruption if the Scinnlæca continues to draw on these powers. If they ever gain more fatigue than their current hit points, then they will collapse and permanently lose a hit point. 

The first power is the Call of Fear. This brings a terrifying phantom which appears to the Scinnlæca's enemy and can terrify them into fleeing. It affects everyone present, including allies, who can only be protected with amulets made from the finger bones of innocents. The Call of the Underworld is the most potent magic a Scinnlæca can draw upon. It draws the Phantom into the caster and they act with the statistics and abilities of the phantom. These are varied; starting fires, dragging victims into the ground, flying and draining life force are all possibilities. The inherent evil of this path is shown by the items that the Scinnlæca uses to activate the path; a knife which has pierced the heart of an adulterer and a rowan wand. The final power is the Call of Kinship. Using the skull of a murderer which is placed to observe a victim, a malign phantom is summoned allowing the Scinnlæca to appear in the form of the victim's deceased relative. This gives options to terrify and manipulate the target. The most powerful Scinnlæcas can create undead Orcneas from the bodies of warriors. These will serve until slain again or dismissed. Each costs three Charisma, which is lost to the caster until the Orcneas returns to their death. 

Witches are common amongst the Réðealingas, practising the Craft. Normally, the path is guided, but by becoming an outcast, the Wicce must learn from a familiar which can be a malign influence. Learning the craft costs the Wicce attribute points or hit points each time something new is learned. Familiars take the form of a small animal which will reappear if slain. Those that kill them tend to die soon after in grisly accidents. 

The Craft has nine elements; 

1) The Nine-Herb charm which can cure all ills.

2) Curses; by air, stone, water or fire. There are three types of curse and each exacts a price to be learned. The simplest curses are meant to be frustrating; for example, you must always speak your mind, which could cause embarrassment or offence. Destructive curses erode status, power and wealth. Malign curses will cause their victims to suffer slow and wasting deaths.

3) The Green candle; a healing ritual.

4) Scrying; either by divination or by sending a spirit double into the otherworld to see what is going on, at any distance.

5) Amulet crafting to give protection against Wicce craft and other types of magic.

6) Potions; the Wicce can brew a variety of potions.

7) Poisons; Wicca can brew up to three different poisons.

8) Venoms; like poisons but used on weapons.

9) The Poppet and the Thorn; this is the way for the Wicca to torment an enemy at a distance. To do this, they use a wax effigy with a keepsake or personal item of the Victim, and a thorn to inflict suffering. The highest level of this allows a victim to be murdered remotely.

The next chapter then moves on to give a selection of magical items from the different cultures to use in a campaign. These are all presented in story form, the kind of tale that may be told in a mead hall at night. All the items are very unique in their powers compared to the more vanilla items you get in normal D&D. There are no ‘+1 magic swords’ here. For example, the blade Wudwuewyrhta has a history of vengeance, and is known as the ‘widow-maker’. Forged by Wayland Smith at the behest of a princess whose betrothed was murdered, a cut from the blade kills any married man within a day. The blade itself is heavily degraded and will no longer take a good edge; it’s an inferior weapon unless you are fighting someone who is married. There are multiple different examples from the different cultures, and they all feel like they have a history and mean something. 

The final short chapter provides short details about the gods and religions practiced in Wulfwald. However, the game has no cleric class and the gods do not exist or manifest in the way that they do in more classical D&D. However, belief in the gods is strong, and there are active priesthoods who will exert their power through manipulation. The beliefs of the Eorðwerod are covered in most detail, as the game focuses upon a campaign set in their lands. There’s only a brief mention of what the Réðealingas, Dweorgas and Ælfcynn believe, but enough for a GM to draw upon to use in a scenario. 

Volume 2 concludes with useful check sheets for each of the magical paths, and a useful index.

Volume 3 “Campaigns”

The third book, Campaigns, is slightly longer at 64-pages and dives deeply into the setting. Russ Nicholson’s map is reproduced in the book here, but the lovely large cloth version is probably the one you want to have open on the table in front of you when you read it. Aspects of it remind me of the maps in The Hobbit, but that’s probably influenced by that book being one of the first fantasy novels that I ever read. 

Each of the kingdoms in the setting is given a two-page spread which details the ruler, their banner and the politics and troubles of the place. Enemies and allies are also called out. Each spread concludes with a useful table; for example, the Eastlund Safe has a table of encounters, whereas the Westland Jutes have a shorter selection of encounters, but a second table to establish what the Jutish Eadwita are seeking on the Quest that they are on. All the people and monster encounters have a volume and page reference for easy use at the table. The final part of this chapter gives a set of encounter tables for the Borderlands of the map; the Dweogas Mountains, the Ælfcynn’s Great Forest, the Réðealing Highlands and the Suthron Marshes. There’s also mention of the Empire of Frisca, a distant power that can influence the politics of Wulfwald

The second chapter discusses society in Wulfwald, describing how the people live and organise. The social order is explained, with the Cyning at the top and Wulfeshéafod (Wolfsheads) at the bottom, with a lower social status than slaves as they’re outcasts. The way the land is divided is described; Thegns rule tithings, and in turn are ruled over by an Ealdorman who rules a Hundred. Scírs, or Shires, are groups of Hundreds ruled by Gesiths, who are an Ealdorman who serves in the royal war band. Typical forces available for based on the distribution of land are described. The section then goes on to discuss NPC attitudes, the impact of social hierarchy, and the fact that the characters are hated culturally, and this will flavour all their interactions. The GM is advised to manage this with a level of subtlety rather than laying it on thick, else there is a likely to be a trail of bodies and a shortened campaign. The motivations of the different levels of the social hierarchy are discussed, along with the impact of coming from different cultures. Wizards who openly show their powers are much more likely to be openly unwelcome and to be murdered if the locals have the opportunity to do so, even if they are known to the under the protection of their Lord. Scinnlæca are the most hated, feared and reviled in all of Wulfwald.  

Oh, and no-one trusts a Réðealing. They’re all cattle thieves, raiders and pillagers. Just like the men of Wulfwald.

The third chapter focusses on building your campaign, or ‘Writing your Wulfwald’. Wulfwald is described as the reverse of a points of light campaign like B2 The Keep on the Borderlands; the land is mostly tamed and settled, but some untamed wild places still exist where monsters dwell, and often the worst monsters are men. The author discusses how you can tailor a campaign; they explain that their preference is to make magic present but as mysterious as possible. Monsters should be rare, as they usually keep to the wild places. If they do stray into the lands of men, death and chaos will likely ensue. Often, the player characters will be the only ones around who have access to magical powers; a benefit and something that causes them to be even more feared. 

It’s recommended to start small, and select a kingdom which has the right flavour for the campaign story you want to explore; the setting will handle political intrigue, conflict, freedom fighters or a more supernatural feel near to the wild places. The author does recommend that each player creates a backup character so they have a choice on which is most appropriate for a mission, and also because there will likely be casualties.

The next step is to define the key NPCs the characters will encounter this is why starting small is an advantage. An example is given on how to do this. The book then describes how the campaign structure will likely shift as as the characters rise in power level; it also touches on how their social acceptance will likely change. There is a discussion about the challenges that may arise if the players decide that they need to kill their existing Lord or try and set one of themselves up as a king. An example campaign set up in Sufland Seaxe is given.

There’s guidance on how to avoid the campaign ending up with the characters being the ‘baddies’, especially as the setting embraces shades of grey rather than the crisper black and white of D&D’s alignment system. There’s also guidance on how to avoid the mission-based nature of the campaign feeling like railroading the characters; it’s advised to give multiple missions, or problems, for the characters to resolve.

This volume closes out with five appendices; the first presents optional rules. These include a reaction system, a simple skill system, and combat orders. Appendix B is The Rose War of Wigwyll, an introductory scenario for 2-4 1st level Wolfsheads. The characters are dispatched by their Thegn to find out why a hillfort is no longer paying fealty to the Ealdorman and to deal with the problem. The mission has a simple structure and should give an interesting session of play with supernatural overtones. The third appendix provides a simple warband level skirmish system to allow for larger conflicts. This includes ways to handle different formations, sieges and improvised tactics. The system is unlikely to be needed early on, but as the characters and their Thegn rise in power then there may well be a need for it. The next appendix gives some tables to develop traits, behaviours and names for the various Fyrdmen that the Wolfsheads may encounter.  Appendix E, the final appendix, is a short Who’s Who of Wulfland, listing the various rulers and key players in the setting and a page reference for more detail.

Volume 4 “Monsters”

This is a shorter 42-page volume that describes the monsters of the Wulfwald setting, starting with Dracan (dragons), Eotenas (giants) and then ‘Beasts and Everyone Else’. Finally, the book rounds out with a master list of creatures (both monsters from this book and people from Volume 5) along with the relevant page reference and stat block.

The Dracan (Wyrms) are also the progeny of Eorðraca, the Earth Dragon, the first living being in the world. Each of her children is unique, and she is worshipped by the Dweorgas. There are seven known living Dracan, and each is described in detail. This section provides key information on the Dweorgas, which I won’t repeat here as it could be a campaign spoiler. 

The Eotenas are dying out. There are six giants left in Wulfwald, and when they are slain, their kin will have passed from the world. Each giant is described in detail, including where they live and some of their backstory. They are fearsome opponents, but don’t need to be enemies.

The section on ‘Beasts and everything else’ provides a selection of monsters, magical creatures (such as the Cauldron-born and the Marsh Fiend). All the creatures feel unique and strange, even if they are variant ideas on creatures from more traditional D&D. They match the feel of the setting very well. 

Volume 5 “People”

The final volume of Wulfwald is 48-pages long and explores the threats that come from the various peoples who live in Wulfwald. This is a counterpart to the previous volume. Unsurprisingly, this is broken out into sections on the Ælfcynn, the Dweorgas, the Réðealingas and the Eorðwerod, before concluding with a short list of all the people in the book as a reference.

In the main, the book provides background, details and stat blocks for people at different levels of the social hierarchy (for example, an Eorðwored Ceorl or a Réðealingas Geoguðgara ) but there are specific entries for Fafnir Dweorge Cyning (the King of the Dwarves)and Cynic, son of Cedric, Cyning of the Westlund Seaxe (the most powerful and dangerous NPC in the setting). 

Overall this is a really useful resource that gives tailorable options for most of the people that the characters will interact with regularly.

The contents of the Wulfwald RPG box - the box lid and base are stood against the wall. The lid (left) has the titles, a B&W picture and red runes. The base has blurb, illustrations and more red runes. The five white booklets lie in front of the box lids on top of a gorgeously illustrated B&W Cloth map of Wulfwald.
What's in the Wulfwald box?


Wulfwald is extremely impressive; evocative and different, it takes a light OSR framework and makes something unique. Even if you don’t want to play in the setting, the subsystems like magic would be simple to lift to another game. I usually prefer hardback rules books, but multiple books in a box format works really well and I can imagine it being effective in play. The map and artwork is lovely, and it reminds me how much we will miss Russ Nicholson. 

Highly recommended.

21 September 2024

PS Thank goodness macOS stole iOS's simple way to access accented characters or this would have taken a lot longer to write!

20 September 2024

2LM take back ownership of Broken Compass


Really pleased to see this announcement from Two Little Mice:

It's our pleasure to inform you that Two Little Mice has reacquired full ownership of Broken Compass. This is great news for us, and we are extremely happy to welcome BC back into our family!

So, what's going to happen now?

Outgunned Adventure and Broken Compass will merge, and we will continue bringing you some pulp adventures under the Outgunned flag. From now on, you can consider Outgunned Adventure as the official 2nd edition of Broken Compass. 

--> If you own Broken Compass on DrivethruRPG, in the next days you will receive a FREE PDF copy of Outgunned Adventure, so you can upgrade to the next level.

---> If you are an Outgunned Adventure backer, you will receive the Broken Compass Soundtrack for Free, together with the OGA Soundtrack. 

----> In the future, you can expect us to update all the BC Seasons (and playable Campaigns) to Outgunned Adventure.

If you do own any BC Season on DTRPG, you will receive updated version of this book for FREE so you can switch to Outgunned Adventure.

We want to thank our community for supporting us throughout all these years, and for making this possible. You are the best!

I’d always seen Outgunned Adventure as the second edition for Broken Compass. It’s nice to see this as official, and also nice to see 2LM supporting past purchasers as well.

20 September 2024

09 September 2024

Cell Tower game

A screen shot the Cell Tower game puzzle number 857.The screen shows an iPhone Safari screen. A grid of words is shown, each highlighted in a different colour. At the top of the screen, the puzzle number shows. The URL andrewt.net is displayed in the browser at the bottom of the screen.
Cell Tower #857 results

I'm really enjoying the Cell Tower game that Andrew Taylor has developed. It's a web-based word puzzle a bit like a wordsearch where you try and find close out the whole grid with words. 

Each row needs to connect, but you don't have to have full continuity across the row so long as they connect above (see PUBLICLY in the photo above). You definitely have to get your brain in the right space when doing this.

You can get hints, but if you do that then the game doesn't score for track streaks.


9 September 2024 (scheduled post as I don't want to spoiler the result for today).

08 September 2024

New reMarkable Paper Pro


Screenshot of the reMarkable Paper Pro web page, showing the new colour device and price.
The new Paper Pro

I really like the look of the new reMarkable Paper Pro device. This is an 11.8" e-Ink colour display that was announced this week. I love the way that reMarkable are so focused on the design of the device so it does what they want it to. They've tailored the screen, the pen and have moved a unibody design. This is a colour writing tablet unlike any other. It's a little bit bigger than my reMarkable 2, and it has the kind of performance jumps that you'd expect from four years of development. It doesn't replace the rM2, but I won't be surprised if they eventually do an rM3 in the future as a lower end device.

My Deep Guide initial impressions

The initial view on My Deep Guide definitely shows the care that's been put into the device. However, it's expensive. From a personal note, the cost is enough that I'm happy to stay with my rM2 for the foreseeable future. However, in the event that circumstances change, for example my existing device fails, I do reserve the right to change my mind1

8 September 2024

Books in August 2024


Cover collage from thestorygraph.com showing the nine books that I read in August 2024
The books I read in August.

I read quite a bit during August, but that's only to be expected as I was on holiday and that always leads to a good month; however, several of the books were roleplaying games which probably reduced the overall page count as I read those more slowly.

The stats? Nine books, three of which were roleplaying, one non-fiction and one graphic novel, which leaves four fiction books. I read 2,978 pages and enjoyed pretty much everything I read quite a lot. As usual, the non-fiction was an audiobook.

The roleplaying games were Wulfwald (an Anglo-Saxon themed OSR game which I'm halfway through writing up a review for, but as a spoiler, it's great), The Dying Earth Roleplaying Game (technically a re-read as I first read it when it originally came out), and Khosura: King of the Wastelands (another OSR themed campaign book). 

Dying Earth still befuddles and intimidates me with its system, mainly because I find it written quite challengingly. I don't think I get on well with the way that Robin Laws expresses game design in his writing; I love what he does, but I find the clarity lacking! Sometimes that's because he's on the leading edge of design, but sometimes it's about how clearly the game is written. I'm going to use the Revivification Folio take on the rules for the game at Furnace instead.

Wulfwald was a joy to read, and dares to be very different around an OSR core; hopefully, I'll expand more on this later in the month. 

Khosura is an epic city camping, set in the middle of a desert with surrounding points of interest. Khosura is an old city, and has several interlinked levels of Undercity and a variety of competing factions. It's the nearest to RuneQuest's Pavis that I've seen in an OSR/D&D space, and it will be unforgiving if the characters wander into the more dangerous locations without their wits about them. Smart play and running away are definitely strategies to consider. I really like what's been done with this. 

The non-fiction book was Spies by Calder Walton, which covers the ongoing espionage conflict between East and West from before the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Enlightening and interesting, it was a long listen but it kept me engaged throughout.

The graphic novel was the conclusion the Blade Runner graphic novel series, 2039 Vol 3 - Ash. It was a good conclusion to the storyline, and drew the threads together nicely. It's been swiped off me from my eldest who has been enjoying them too. The graphic novels give a tantalising hint of the extended world beyond the films.

So onto novels; I read quiet a broad selection this month and it's hard to pick a favourite so I'll call them out individually.

House of Open Wounds by Adrian Tchaikovsky was I book I ordered when it was announced. It is a follow up to City of Last Chances which I enjoyed greatly. What I got was unexpected and enjoyable, effectively a fantasy version of MASH, where the protagonists are medics in a special unit that uses banned forms of magic to save the lives of soldiers who can't be saved by normal means. Of course, there's more than that going on; rivalries in the military hierarchy, hidden pasts and more. Enjoyable and I will read the final part.

The Glass Pearls by Emeric Pressburger tells the tale of a former Nazi Doctor who has been on the run because of his war crimes since the end of the Second World War. Working as a piano tuner, he arrives in a new apartment in London. He starts to fall in love, but his paranoia and past catch up with him. Extremely well written.

Prophet Song by Paul Lynch is a Booker Prize winning novel which tells a tale of the Republic of Ireland slipping into a fascist regime. It explores a central theme of 'why don't people leave' and then follows that with a harrowing look at the challenges and exploitation that refugees face. Written in one long narrative, it tells the story of a woman whose trade-unionist husband disappears and how she tries to hold her family together. Chilling, sad and shocking, this well worth the time; with likes of Trump, Reform and the harder right parts of the Tories, you can't really think 'that couldn't happen here'.  A warning, I think, and very powerfully written.

Murder Road by Simone St. James was an impulse purchase and I'm glad I did. A young couple with complicated pasts pick up a hitchhiker who has been stabbed. When she dies, they become suspects. There's a supernatural edge to the story and it's done very well; I read this very quickly and it was a page turner.

Having written these notes, I've changed my mind. I think Prophet Song was my book of the month.  

Summary graphic from thestorygraph.com showing the statistics for the books that I've read; ratings, genres, page count and the covers.
The summary graphic.

8 September 2024