29 May 2024

The Purge continues

I’m in the middle of an extended purge of boardgames and roleplaying games. I’ve let too many accrete over the years, and I’m worried of the possibility of a singularity occurring in the study/gaming room. 

Actually, the truth is that I have run out of space and also realised that there are some that I may never actually get to read, or even if I have read the, there are some that I just can’t see myself getting to the table. I also know that the better half would like a significant reduction in numbers and I completely get that.

This week’s casualties (or perhaps escapees) are Troika and some more OSR material that I can’t see myself playing. I do like Troika, and have kept back Acid Death Fantasy as I could see myself doing something with it. I’m also secretly happy that the core rules haven’t currently been bought by anyone (yet). But everything else is gone. I’ve also completed the purge of Leyline Press’s material which makes me happy.

I’m approaching the point that the next step is to pick some more systems to cull. Glorantha keeps on getting close to the drop, but each time nostalgia and Pavis pull me back from the brink. I know some Traveller material can go; I’ve enough of the PDF compilations to know that I can check for canon using them. Someone else may as well have the joy of them.

Need to read some more too!

29 May 2024

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